To the grandparents who have loved, supported, and cared for me all of my life. They are the people that matter most to me and I am so lucky to have the coolest and most generous grandparents around me. They have helped shape me into the women I am today because of the role they played and the impact they have made in my life. I have three grandparents left on this earth. I have one deceased, and one who shut us out of her life, and that has taught me to never take a second for granite with the grandparents I have around. Before my first grandparent passed away, his family was his entire world and that is something I will always remember the most about him.The grandparents I have now have more than made up for the one that was absent most of my life and for that I am forever grateful for them. When I was younger I took them for granted but as I have gotten older they are become an important part of my life that I don't know what I would do without them one day.
1. Thank you for the birthday calls every year.
I look forward to our talks, even on random days when you'd butt dial me.
2. Thank you for listening to me talk about anything and everything.
Even the small stuff, you always stayed invested.
3. Thank you for supporting every decision I made and standing by my side.
No matter what.
4. Thank you for making the best home cooked meals.
And making sure I never leave hungry.
5. Thank you for shaping my parents into amazing people.
I also could not live without them.
6. Thank you for putting your family before you.
You taught me what it is like to be kind to the people around you.
7. Thank you for being the coolest grandparents.
I can laugh with you endlessly, be silly in front of, and have fun with.
8. Thank you for showing each of your grandchildren how much they are loved and adored by you.
We love just as much as you love us!
9. Thank you for being there through the hard times.
They weren't always easy, but you made them a little better.
10. Thank you for showing me how to be strong.
And teaching me to never give up on anything.
I will never be able to fully express how much I am thankful for my grandparents because they've done more things for me that I could have ever imagined. Thank you for being involved in our lives, even through the long distance. Thank you for everything.
I love you both so much.
your granddaughter.