Often, we get so caught up in the craziness of life, especially around all of the holiday chaos! I know I catch myself sometimes complaining about the stupidest little things, and I have to take a step back and say, 'you know what, I am so blessed.' Now, why I have an endless list of things I am thankful for because honestly, this life is too good to me sometimes, here are just four of the top things I am extra thankful for this season,
1. Family
I feel like this is one of those 'well of course you're thankful for your family' ones, but still, it is important to recognize how thankful one is for them. I am sure many of us would be pretty lost/sad without our family. One way I like to show my family how thankful I am for them is 1) simple just telling them how much I love and appreciate them and 2) I love, love, love to bake for them! So whether you cook for them or just tell them, don't forget to tell your family members how thankful your are for them!
2. Friends/Sorority Sisters
Thanking your friends and letting them know how much you appreciate them is so, so, so important. Your pals are a big part of your support system (or at least I hope they are), and they probably do a lot for you just as you would do for them. I know I love and appreciate my friends a ton, a good bit of them are also my sorority sisters, and I honestly do not know where I would be without them.
3. Let's talk about this Thanksgiving Meal
I think I would be very good friends with the pilgrims and the Indians because they honestly must have loved food, and I love food, sooo I am pretty sure it would've been a good friendship. I am thankful for the delicious meal that will be put on my parent's dining room table that my family will all feast on, especially the turkey. Something I love to do around this time is to make sure I donate to my local food bank or help pack food boxes for those who maybe don't have a full dining room table to go home to on Thanksgiving. That is such a special tradition of mine and is probably more filling than the turkey on my table.
4. My Faith
This is something that maybe isn't quite as tangible as the others, but is probably what I am thankful for the most. I know without my faith I would be a sinking ship, and I still kind of am, but I am sinking in grace. My faith is something I am thankful for each and every day, knowing that no matter how many times I fail, I am still loved.
So ask yourself, what are you thankful for this holiday season? Also remember though, it is important to remain thankful for these things year around. Happy Thanksgiving.