This time of the year always fills me with unexplainable gratitude and joyfulness. I am not quite sure if it is the holiday season or a humbling point in the semester that allows me to take a step back and realize just how blessed that I am. With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I decided to do an article on the things that I am most thankful for.
1. A God that is always humbling. The Lord never fails to show me just how big that he is. Seeing the way that He divinely crafts events is nothing short of incredible. I am grateful to be able to see my creator in all that I do and to serve such a powerful God. I feel most connected with you in nature. Thanks for always showing up in ways that I could have never imagined.
2. A family that surrounds me in chaos. My family is one of my favorite things on this earth. Never have I ever met people who are so encouraging and loving. They always know exactly what to say when I am going through something tough. Thanks for calling me to tell me a joke that you heard and for giving me advice when I just am not sure how to "adult"
3. A friend group that makes me smile. Friends are another one of my favorite things. I love that in the midst of a chaotic semester, I can count on friends who will dress up in Hawaiian outfits in order to get snow cones with me. I love that when I am having a tough week, they will text me checking up on me or bring me coffee. It's the little things.
4. A place to call home. Whether my "home" be in the Ozarks or in Waco, Texas, I am grateful that I have two incredible places that hold the spot of home in my heart. I know that when I see the Ozark Mountains or when I see Pat Neff, I am home. There is no greater feeling. I love knowing that I have a couple of places that I absolutely adore.
5. A sisterhood that always supports. I know, this is such a sorority thing of me to say. It's crazy how a couple hundred girls can become the greatest of friends in the most random of moments. ADPi never fails to show me just how incredible and genuine that our sisterhood is and I would not trade that for anything.
When you are down and out at this point in the year, look for some things to be thankful for. I promise that you will find a few things that will make you smile. Find some things to be grateful for in this incredible week. Happy Thanksgiving, friends!