I'm Not Angry That Friendships Ended, I'm Thankful That They Happened | The Odyssey Online
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I'm Not Angry That Friendships Ended, I'm Thankful That They Happened

If you ever need me or just want to hang out, I'm always here. In the meantime, I'll be cheering you on every step of the way.

I'm Not Angry That Friendships Ended, I'm Thankful That They Happened

Bless the person/people who created Facebook memories, because without Facebook memories, I wouldn't remember half of what has happened throughout my life—first-time experiences, concerts, the first or last day of this or that, cute animal videos I shared, major life milestones etc.—nor would I be reminded of how weird I was in middle school and how much I've grown up.

While scrolling through Facebook a couple weeks ago, I received a notification showing that two of my friends from high school commented on a picture of all of us in our caps and gowns at high school graduation. After viewing this picture and reading their comments, it occurred to me that I graduated high school a little more than three years ago. All I could ask myself in this moment was, "Where did the time go? When was the last time I saw or talked to some of the people in this picture or in my graduating class? How are my friends from high school? Are they happy? Have they achieved any of their dreams?"

After looking through old photos from high school graduation and seeing old pictures and experiences every day when looking through my Facebook memories, I am reminded how quick life passes by and that as we grow up, people come and go throughout our lives whether we like it or not and friendships end whether we mean for them to end.

Seeing old photos with old friends makes me happy because it reminds me of all the fun times we had when we were younger. However, they also make me sad when I struggle to remember the last time I saw or talked to them. I feel guilty for not checking in on old friends as much as I probably should, but I've learned that some friendships just aren't meant to last, no matter how much you want them to.

As soon as I graduated from high school, I knew certain friendships wouldn't last, but I had hope that others would. Over the years, I've reached out to my high school friends to try and keep in touch with them, but as time passed by, so did the length of time since we last spoke or saw each other.

The thing is, I'm not mad at the friends I've lost over the years. Some friendships just aren't meant to last and that's not a bad thing. I've learned that certain people come into our lives for a purpose, whether it's to teach us a lesson, be there for us when we really need them, make our high school years incredible, make our college years incredible, stand by us on our wedding day, be a lifelong friend etc. I'm thankful for the friends I had in high school because they really did make my high school years incredible. While I don't talk to most of them anymore, I have so many happy memories with them and I'm constantly reminded of all the fun times we had when old photos of us show up on my Facebook memories day after day.

I'm so thankful for social media because I can virtually check-in on old friends as often as I want. I love seeing the major life milestones they complete, photos from a vacation they recently took, an update that they’re in a relationship or photos of them with their new friends. Whether they know it or not, I'm always rooting for them and I'll always be rooting for them.

As more years pass and the memory of high school graduation gets blurrier, the farther away those old friends will become. They may no longer be the first person I text or call when something amazing happens and I might not be their first choice of bridesmaid on their wedding day, but I'll never stop checking in on them or cheering for them as they continue to live their lives.

To my old friends, I miss you and I hope you're doing well. I'm sorry it's been so long since we last spoke or saw each other. While we may no longer be "best friends" on Snapchat or text each other every day, if you ever need me or just want to hang out, I'm always here. In the meantime, I'll be cheering you on every step of the way, whether you know it or not.I wish you the best of luck, old friend.

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