Some people have harder weeks than others, and I know no one's ever had a perfect one. When school or personal life get chaotic, sometimes you just need to take a step back and think about the good things you have going on in your life.
It's good to put things in perspective. Be humble about the life you're living, and reflect on what makes it great and worth waking up for. Here are a couple things I'm grateful for when my days turn upside down and I need a little pick-me-up.
1. My mom
Whenever something even minorly inconveniences me, I text my mom. There's nothing wrong with my dad, but come on. Mom's have a certain type of empathy that no other person could replicate. She gets it, and most likely, she's been through it before. Somehow moms just know everything and know how to solve every situation. I love you, mom. Thanks for literally being my #1.
2. My church
It feels so good to pray. I'm not sure if I'm good or bad at it, but just having a quick talk with God settles my heart and makes me feel like I can get back on track in life. Going to church and just sitting and listening to the choir sing or the priest give his homily gives me the solidarity I crave on bad weeks, too.
3. My boyfriend
Gushy, yes, I know... but he does so much for me. I'm not fortunate enough to see him every day, or even every month, but he's always a text or FaceTime away. He listens, he gives advice, and he supports my every move. I hope he knows how grateful I am to have him because he probably does more for me than he knows.
4. My music
Some bands or artists can say what you're feeling better than you can yourself. They're real people who have been through rough times, too. Listening to a song with just the right beat and spot-on lyrics can totally be the turn around you need.
5. My sweet friends
When you're in college and your family is 2 hours away and all you need is a hug, they're there. They fill the empty spots in your heart where you need a little love and they always lend a listening ear. You know who you are, and I love you so much.
6. My hobbies
When you just want to avoid reality for a little bit, I love getting lost in what I love to do. For me, that's photography. I love just driving with no place in mind and stopping my car, walking around, and shooting some photos. When I don't necessarily want to leave my room, I love editing them. Other than photography, I just love to write. This article itself gives me peace of mind just writing it because writing is what I love to do.
7. My puppies
Nothing puts a smile on face quicker than my little furballs. They're so funny to watch, and they always seem to know when you need a little love. They have an intuition in them that says their owner needs some extra licks and snuggles, and that intuition warms the heart.
If you're ever having a rough day or a rough week, seek out the things that make you happy. Know you are loved by so many people around you and that life gets better. Hard times don't last forever and the things that make you happy will bring you out of your rut. Just remember what you're thankful for.