"The unthankful heart discovers no mercies; but the thankful heart will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings." –Henry Ward Beecher
Every day we should be thankful and give thanks, however, the month of November makes me feel extra thankful and grateful. So here are 30 things that I'm thankful for in this month, this year, and in my life.
I'm thankful for the sun that rises every morning and all the hope that it brings to the day

I'm thankful for warm snuggles with my two adorable and fluffy cats.
I'm thankful for the unthawing of my fingers and toes after I've been outside cutting wood with my dad and siblings.

I'm thankful for the yummy hot chocolate my mom makes my brother and I after we play in the snow.
I'm thankful for my mom who always says good morning as soon as I come upstairs.

I'm thankful for my dad who always keeps the fire going strong in the winter.
I'm thankful for a fresh blanket of snow in the morning time.

I'm thankful for my baby brother who mostly lets me snuggle with him if I scratch his head.
I'm thankful for when the whole family will be under the same roof again.

I'm thankful for my sister who is only 10 minutes away, our sleepovers, and that she feeds me.
I'm thankful for my friends/life lines at Mizzou.

I'm thankful for the fact that I can always go home and be welcomed.
I'm thankful for Mizzou football.

I'm thankful for Jesus and my relationship with him.
I'm thankful for reading a good book by a fireplace on a rainy day.

I'm thankful for a good board game day with my family even when it gets out of hand.
I'm thankful for the snack cabinet at home.

I'm thankful for dirt roads.
I'm thankful for well water.

I'm thankful for my momma's homemade cooking.
I'm thankful for a tummy ache when I've been laughing so hard.

I'm thankful for a slow and quiet day with my family.
I'm thankful for a nice warm cup of coffee in the morning.

I'm thankful for my family for which we talk about anything and everything.
I'm thankful for some cranberry sauce on Thanksgiving Day.

I'm thankful for how my parents raised my siblings and I.
I'm thankful for my parents because they show my siblings and I what real love looks like.

I'm thankful for the bond I have with my sister and brother, I love ya turds!
I'm thankful for getting to live and be raised up in the United States of America.

I'm thankful for all the blessings in my life for which I have been blessed beyond measure.