Youtube has pretty much been a place where I can go and watch any videos that I want, from cute proposals to old music videos, it is all there. If you are a true YouTuber, it takes nothing for you to get lost in all of the videos that they have.
Recently, YouTube has done a number of things for me that has begun to enrich my life. It has heightened my self-esteem, reminding me that it does not matter how I look or speak, there will always be somebody there watching. Though, I am running the risk of being judged by those that are 'Internet trolls', I remember that my YouTube channel is my voice when I feel I don't have one.
It also has increased my brand of being an author and the company that I run. I find it very rewarding that I can post a video about anything, and people will watch. From anything about books to having a segment called Wellness Wednesday, I have gotten great feedback about my channel.
The fact that I can talk about almost anything and still be comfortable excites me. There may become a day where someone says something negative, but that they will also be a learning lesson. It will teach me that not everything warrants a response, not everything is meant to be taken so seriously.
The initial reason for starting a YouTube channel was for marketing purposes, to get people to buy my books and to just allow others to see that I'm not just a face behind a computer screen. I'm so happy to say that it has become much more than that, as my subscribers grow and the comments roll in, I am beginning my own community and it feels great.
YouTube has opened my eyes, taken down a wall and made my voice that much louder.
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