To My Best Friend,
While some things in this letter may refer to one or few of you, this is not to only one person. This is to all of you. All of you are pretty unlucky and got stuck being one of my bffs. I have so many words yet so little when it comes to you but I believe the most important things for me to say to you are this: I love you and thank you.
Seriously, thank you.
I'm a pain in the ass and I have no idea if I could ever be my own best friend but you chose to be. You've chosen to deal with my three a.m. "emotional breakdowns" over thinking I'm too fat, or crying over someone's death in my current netflix binge, or just because I'm struggling to remember my worth. You come over the minute I tell you I'm having an anxiety attack and just don't want to be alone. Thank you for the constant sleepovers, shows we watch together, and pounds of junk food we eat that I'll later cry over and regret but it never really matters in the moment because it tastes good and I'm enjoying it with good company.
Thank you for reminding me that I am worth more than any stupid guy or catty acquaintance who irrationally hates me.
Thank you for supporting me at my lowest of lows and enjoying my highest of highs with me, I would have never gotten to these amazing moments without you.
Thank you for rubbing my back while I cry and thank you for sitting there listening to me rant and doing your absolute best to give me the advice I probably don't even want to hear but should.
Thank you for reminding me that what I want isn't always what I need. But that's it's also okay to do something for me, because at the end of the day, I can't make everyone happy and sometimes I need to work just a little extra hard to make my own self happy. I didn't understand that until I met you.
Thank you for watching me when I want to stop playing mom and get drunk.
Thank you for unconditionally supporting me in all my endeavors and being my number one fan.
Thank you for all of the ridiculous amount of pictures I always want to take and when I make us take them on your phone and then bug you for hours until you send them to me.
Thanks for yelling my name in public and pretending I'm a celebrity just because, for sitting on park carousels with me at 2 in the morning and letting me talk about the hard stuff, for letting me be apart of your Wolf pack, for buying food so I can get free queso at happy hour, for not hating on me for my Harry Potter obsession and laughing at me but not being surprised whatsoever when I know all the words....and for quoting along with me, for making giant forts and acting like we're children, for Prison Break, and Glee, and Lost, and Criminal Minds, and Awkward, and Ghost Adventures, and How To Get Away With Murder, and Scream Queens, and of course for crying over the last four words of Gilmore girls with me and deciding to do "Wild" and be book people. For doing odd thins like tarot card readings in the middle of the park and smiling at all the people who give us weird looks.
I just love you so much.
I love you for our all of our inside jokes. For when you laugh at me through my drunken decisions and my stupid sober ones. For Kevin Hart Stand-up and risque halloween costumes and Super Bowl adventures. I love you for potato double-chin snapchats. I love you for nicknames we will always call each other. I love you for your family, who is like my own and I love them for raising such a wonderful kid who'd one day be my very best friend.
For Frat Parties...seriously so many frat parties. And lots of dumb decisions at frat parties. And all the cute boys we'd talk about but would never waste our time trying to date at frat parties. And all the times you saved my ass and I momed over you at yet another frat party.
I love you for praying for me. For the times I never asked you to or the times I really needed it or even the times I was feeling so happy and you just asked God if I could stay that way for a little while longer.
I love that you will be one of my bridesmaid and that I will probably plan your whole wedding.
I love how much you make me seriously ow are you so funny?
I love you for forgiving me when I'm not always the best version of myself.
I love you for making endless amounts of jell-o shots with me, for laying in bed for hours just talking, for crafting for me, for being my sorority sister, for being my soul sister, for playing Life at Chilis or Gin Rummy at the coffee shop or Heads Up at the bar or Never Have I Ever in my living room. For making fun of me...all the time....but stopping when you know I'm getting butthurt. For telling me when I'm being dramatic but for loving me anyways. For talking to me on the phone in the library even though you need to study just to listen to me talk about a stupid boy I won't shut up about. For being my absolute rock through every bad break up. For texting me constantly and yelling at me when I don't take the time to text you back. For bonding over when our lives are falling apart and being able to have each other to lift our sad selves off our asses and make them better.
I love you and thank you dearly for being honest. Kind. Trustworthy. Hilarious. Compassionate. Supportive beyond belief.
There are so many things that make our friendship so special, so many things I love you for and so, so, so many I am so thankful for about you. But above all, you beautiful specimen of a human being, I love and thank you for being my best friend today, tomorrow, and forever.
Your crazy best friend who probably annoys the crap out of you but loves you so much!