You will always be my favorite love. You are my first love, and you teach me what love is all about. You teach me right from wrong and you set the example for what I want to become. I can’t begin to thank you enough for everything you’ve done, do, and will do for me.
I love you, Dad.
Thanks for teaching me right from wrong.
This allowed me to become a better person. I know it wasn’t always easy and I fought back a lot, but thank you. If you hadn't have been so hard on me while I was growing up, I wouldn’t be the amazing person I am today.
Thank you for clearing my room out while I was at school.
When I came home from Elementary school that day, I was really mad... but it taught me a good lesson. I never got up that many times at night or refused to go to school again. It also gave me story share and to laugh about when I got older.
Thank you for always being a phone call away.
I love it when something isn’t going the right way... I can just call you and you’ll help me solve the problem. I love that, no matter if it’s something good or something bad, you are able to pick me up. You always know how to solve the problems, and when you don’t know how, you figure out a way.
Thank you for always being supportive.
Thank you for no matter what I’m doing being supportive. I know sometimes guard contests get boring, spending all day there to watch me for 5 minutes, but thanks for always being able to support me. Thanks for always pushing me to do bigger and better things. Thanks for pushing me to go in the direction of my dreams, even if there isn’t money in it.
Thank you for making me work.
Thank you for teaching me the definition of work. Thanks for teaching me how to count back change and not have to use the register. Thanks for making me spend long, hot days in the greenhouse selling flowers and loading dirt. Thanks for teaching me how to take care of animals and how important it is to work with them. Thank you for teaching me the definition of hard work, and what it means to work hard for your money. Thank you for teaching me the things a lot of people nowadays complain about doing.
Thank you for helping me with my blazer.
Thanks for helping me turn my blazer into a real piece of art. Thanks for always knowing what to do with my sound system, wheels, and my lights. Thanks for always being able to put on my decals, even if you say it’s too hot. Thanks for always knowing how to fix it when it breaks, or when my sound system gets all outta wack. Thanks for helping me relive your high school years through my blazer!
Thank you for the memories.
Thank you for all the memories. These will be the stories we laugh about when we are older. These will be the stories we share with the family. The memories are the things that make me smile. I see an old picture of us, and I think back to those memories. Even if it is just building a set of corn hole boards or selling fireworks together. I love every single moment, small and large.
Thank you for the lessons.
Thank you for everything you've taught me. Without you, I wouldn't be the person I am today. All these lessons have made me into the wonderful young lady I am. These lessons will be ones I pass on to my students and future children. Every lesson, big and small, impacts my life in a big way.
Thank you for being you.
Thank you for being yourself! Thanks for showing me that it’s okay to have a little fun when you’re out with friends. Thanks for sharing with me the balance between being serious and having fun. Thanks for being yourself and showing me how to be an amazing person. I hope to be like you some day.
Thank you for loving mom.
Thank you for showing me what true love is. Thank you for showing me how a man should really treat his woman. I strive to have a relationship, like the one you and mom share. Thanks for showing me that relationships aren’t all about being serious, that they’re about supporting each other, and having fun. Thanks for teaching me that sometimes relationships are a rollercoaster but in the end, they’re one of the best rides to be on.
Thank you for loving me.
Thank you for always loving me. Thank you for everything you do for me. I wouldn’t know what to do without you. You always make me feel so special and I love you to the moon and back.
No matter where this crazy life takes us, you'll always be my number one. You will always be my first call when something goes wrong, or when I get super excited about something. You will always be my first and favorite love. I love you to the moon and back daddy.
Buddies Forever.