Throughout my life I have always been a little lost. I always had friends but never the security of a friend group. I was friends with everyone because I love to meet new people and that's just who I am, even today. When I started school in Reno, I made lots of friends but again, not a friend group. I was friends with my roommates, people in my hall, and people I had just met around but I spent most of my time with my roommates. I rushed and got Delta Gamma (my top pick) and fell in love right away. As I started to meet new people in DG, I got kind of close with some people but yet again, no group that I was closer to than others. Before winter break, we voted on positions for our JCMT and CMT and was asked to be the Director of Alumnae Relations. Even though I knew nothing about the position and it wasn't something I was passionate about, I knew it would be an amazing learning opportunity and a way to meet even more people. After winter break, I started to get into stupid drama with my roommates and lost myself completely. Living with five other girls makes it hard to be your own person and it gets to the point where it becomes too much. I moved into a different room with one other roommate and finally got to be myself again. I started eating healthier, working out, and taking time for myself. I started singing more, joined choir, and going to as many DG events as possible. Luckily, my old suite mate and best friend decided to also move out and now lives one floor up. I spend most of my time with her and couldn't imagine life without her. Over the past two months, I have started to get extremely close with my sisters in Delta Gamma. It might sound cheesy, but some of them have changed my life and here's why. At the beginning of the semester, all I wanted to do was leave Reno. I didn't like where I was in life and wanted to be somewhere else all of the time. I visited a good friend at Oregon State and fell in love with not being at UNR. As the months went on, I started to build friendships in Delta Gamma I never thought I'd have. I started getting invited to everything and asked to help with lots of projects. I started to feel wanted and needed and I can honestly say it is the best feeling gin the world. I now have a group of 200+ friends that I can go to for everything and anything. I never feel left out or ignored or that no one wants me. Because of my sisters, I am staying in Reno for another year and hopefully for years to come. To the girls who turned my world around, thank you so much for being the most amazing, kind-hearted, and strong women I have ever met. Thank you for the endless laughs, the trips to Sonic, and all of the memories these past few months. You all are my best friends and I am so thankful for you all, especially my older ones who took me under their wing. I am now happy and better than I've ever been. I am living with one of my new best friends this summer and staying in Reno to work and take classes. I love the person I am now and wouldn't change it for the world. Thank you to everyone who has made this semester amazing and thank you to my sisters for changing my life. You really do mean the world to me. I can't wait for more memories to come and that I get to spend three more years with you all! Thank you so much.
Student LifeApr 30, 2017
A Thank You to My Sisters
"As I look back on my life, I realize that every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better."