To my amazing work friends,
To the ones who've come, the ones who've gone, and the ones who've stayed. I miss you all so much. It's hard not seeing all of you during the week while I'm away in college, but seeing everyone on the weekend is what makes coming home that much more special. The bond that we've all created with each other is absolutely amazing, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I have countless things to thank you all for because you're all literally amazing, but here are just a few.
Thank you for breaking me out of my shell.
For those of you who have known me since the beginning, you know that I haven't always been as outgoing as I am currently, and it's all thanks to you. Without you helping me break out of my comfort zone, I wouldn't have the amazing group of friends that I have now. From being the quiet new girl who barely talked to anyone, to being able to call over 75% of the employees my best friends, I feel that you all have really helped me break out of my shell, which has really helped me develop into the person I am today.
Thank you for always being there for me.
You all are always there for me, and I couldn't be more grateful. Whether it be helping me with things for our job, or being there to talk when I'm not feeling like myself, you all are always there to talk and let me know that everything will be alright. We all have each other's backs. It's amazing to always know that.
Thank you for all of the laughs.
Whether it's from something that happened in a group chat, during the meetings, something in our lives outside of work, something that happens on break, or something that happens while we're on the clock, you all never fail to put a smile on my face and make me laugh. We have developed so many inside jokes through the past months (and years for some people), and it really makes work that much more tolerable.
Thank you for making work tolerable.
When work is insanely busy, insanely slow, or insanely boring, you all know how to make it more tolerable. Being able to talk to everyone and joke around with everyone on the job actually makes me excited to go to work every weekend. As much as I say how much I want to go home, I wouldn't want to go through five hours of work with any other group of people.
Thank you for becoming my second family.
If you're still there or if you've left already, we're all still a second family. We've all become so close over the past months, and I wouldn't want to work with anyone else. No matter what, we always have someone to talk to, no matter what section we're in during the shift. We're always there for each other when we need it, we always know how to make each other laugh, and you actually make going to work not as bad. We never feel like we're alone.
Thank you all for everything at work. I couldn't ask for better coworkers. I appreciate all of you.