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When my family arrived in California in 2002, my parents wanted us to experience everything that beautiful Southern California had to offer. What was first on our list you may ask?
The home of the Mouse.
Usually when I tell people that I have had a Disneyland pass since I was 4-years-old, and have visited the park well over 1,000 times, they look at me with disbelief and shock, but it's true!
I have learned a multitude of significant life lessons from visiting the park that I would love to share.
1. Focus on the things that you can control.
From direct personal experience, I know and understand how easy it can be to get wrapped up in and stress about the petty and minute details of what we are going through. I have learned to focus on the aspects of our lives that are important to us, that bring meaning to our beings.
2. Do more of what makes you (and your heart) happy.
Ever since we were little, we have read countless Disney books, and have watched Disney movies that urgently tell us to go into the direction of our dreams. Even though there are so many variables when choosing a career field, listen to your heart to guide you into the passion that has been written in your heart all along.
3. Treasure the blessings and miracles of today.
Although we live in a world with an extreme amount of violence and pain, we can choose to seek the blessings that everyday brings. Never take anything for granted, and constantly live life with an attitude of gratitude. Sometimes the things that we over look the most are actually are greatest God-given blessings in disguise.
4. No dream is ever too big.
There are no limits to the strong power of our own imaginations. Never give up on a dream that you cherish so deeply in your heart and mind. If something is meant to happen, it most certainly will; stay hopeful in the direction of your heart's desires.
5. Live a life designed in kindness and joy.
Every single one of us are experiencing something in our lives, whether it is apparent to us or not; be kind with your words and how they might directly affect someone. Be a light of joy and positivity wherever you go on your journey.
Sometimes I forget to savor the blessing that my life has been so enriched my the overwhelming power of Walt Disney's creativity and happiness. Many people only dream of going to a place where you can be accepted, no matter your age or where you come from; you are free to enter a land of joy and youth for the rest of your life.
I encourage everyone to personally experience the magic of Walt Disney, and directly see how his ideologies of creativity, leadership, and sacrifice has revolutionized the world of innovation and imagination.