Dear America,
We the people want to wish you a happy 241st birthday! In honor of 241 years, I want to say thank you for the 24+1 things you have given to the world. Without them we would all be lost.
Thank you for letting me make my own decisions.
Because Netflix and pizza in bed is my choice.
Thank you for putting a man on the moon.
Thank you for chocolate chip cookies.
The greatest cookie of all time.
Thank you for the Constitution.
Thank you for allowing gay marriage.
Because you should be allowed to love who you love.
Thank you for protecting my freedom.
Thank you for baseball.
It is called America's favorite past time for a reason.
Thank you for Walt Disney.
The ultimate GOAT.
Thank you for Coca-Cola.
Thank you for Apple.
Thank you for Google.
And making college just a little bit easier.
Thank you for delivery pizza.
I would have never gotten through all-nighters without you.
Thank you for iced drinks.
Why does the rest of the world think warm drinks are okay?
Thank you for Chick-fil-A.
And allowing me to eat chicken six days a week without judgement.
Thank you for American football.
Thank you for 24-hour stores.
Because you never know when you're going to need some Tylenol.
Thank you for air conditioning.
Lets let Arizona take care of this one.
Thank you for my second amendment rights.
Thank you for duct tape.
A.K.A. the absolute fix for everything.
Thank you for the swivel chair.
Brought to you by the one, the only, Thomas Jefferson.
Thank you for the Roomba.
Thank you for Post-it notes.
Thank you for whiskey.
Okay, so my drunken nights may not be thankful for this one.
Thank you for electricity.
Thank you for Arnold Palmer.
Not only the man, but the drink as well.
the American people