Dear Mr. Trump,
I had a very different idea about what my first article for The Odyssey would be but considering the timing, I thought that this would be an appropriate moment for me to address you and thank you, the man who is about to become the 45th President of the United States.
I did not vote for you. Growing up, I was taught that respecting our differences was more important than any personal opinions and I was not pleased with the way you spoke about different races, religions, the disabled, women, and the LGBTQ+ community. I did all I could to prevent you from getting elected and it did not work. Like any good American who puts their faith in our democracy, I do not question the result. In fact, I thank you and your supporters for it.
You may be scratching your head right now and asking "why?" Well, up until today, I was nervous about my future. I'm a junior in college and I've been thinking about graduation. I was feeling very restless about life before election night; I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do. I knew I wanted to work in politics, but that's where it ended. But this is where I get to thank you, Mr. Trump. You and your supporters have forced me to take a long look in the mirror and I've realized exactly what I have to do with my life.
I was on the fence about law school, Mr. Trump. You can even ask my mom, she's listened to me go back and forth between whether I want to take the LSAT or the GRE or skip a graduate degree altogether. But now I know what I've been put on Earth to do. My mom always told me "be the change you wish to see in the world." I aspire to use my God-given talents to make the world better for everyone, not just a select few.
Mr. Trump, I'm dedicating the rest of my life to fight against the hateful rhetoric that was spewed during this campaign to ensure that no child will ever go to bed afraid for themselves and their families. You may turn out to be a great leader, I can't predict the future. I so desperately want you to prove me wrong. But I have the ability to look retrospectively and I see the way that words tore apart our nation. I understand wanting change, but at the expense of others peace of mind? That is not something I can condone.
For everyone's sake, I hope you are an amazing leader, Mr. Trump. Your victory speech seemed very inviting, but please forgive me if I'm a little hesitant to accept your olive branch. I do hope you were just pandering to the base during the election and do care about equality for all Americans, regardless of religion, race, gender, or sexual identity. Unfortunately, if this is not the case, I intend to fight my hardest for those who feel left behind in our great country. Thank you, Mr. Trump. I cried because Secretary Clinton lost, but now I cry because I finally see the direction I need to head in and it is all because of you.
You have shown me the need our country has for a strong, powerful generation to rise up and finally use peaceful means to ensure that our society benefits all, in an equal and just manner. Thank you, Mr. Trump. You've awakened my generation.
Thoughts & Prayers,
A Girl Who Might Just Be President