I am so blessed to have made the friend group I did my freshman year of college. Each person serving a different role in our friend group. Without them my college experience would not have been the same. Thank you to you all for always being light hearted and being able to laugh at one another in a loving way. Thank you for never failing to make a bad day better. Without you guys we wouldn't have became better friends at the skating party. Without you guys we wouldn't have had a stake dinner in a small kitchen with smoke all around us with people wondering what we are doing. Without you guys we wouldn't have fit 10 people in a 7 person car to see a late night movie, getting free food from the Mejier gas station (They gave it too us, we didn't steal it) and to witness Steven sing every High School Musical song.
You guys are becoming my home away from home. All of you hold a place in my heart and I love you all dearly.
Thank you to Maggie, Casey and Anna for being our wise but not much older leaders/teammates. You guys are people I want to have in my life forever. You never fail to bring a smile to face. I can not wait to play softball with you guys for next three years.
Thank you Steven and Brendon for being the guys in the group. You guys are always willing to protect us no matter what. You always ask how we are and if we are having a good day you roast us. Thank you for laughing at my jokes even if they aren't super funny. Thank's for being the dads of the group.
Thank you Marybeth and Olivia for being the cutest roomates ever. You guys are some of the most gentle and nicest humans I have ever met. Thank you for always hugging me and greating me with a smile. You guys are so great. Never stop being you.
Thank you to my best friends Katie and Madison for being my partners in crime. Thank you for keeping me in check when my kinda being B******. Thank you for pushing me to be a better person and always knowing when I need a laugh. Without you I would have died already because I have way to many blonde moments for an almost 19 year old girl. Thank you for always having my back no matter what and for hyping me up on bad days. Thank you for being so kind and for being you.
Thank you to everyone for being a part of my life.