A Thank You To Your Furry Best Friend | The Odyssey Online
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A Thank You To Your Furry Best Friend

Dogs really are a human's best friend.

A Thank You To Your Furry Best Friend
Jen Sarcone

A Thank You to My Furry Best Friend

My easiest hello and hardest goodbye…

It’s no secret that a dog is mans best friend, but going away to college really solidifies that idea. My Siberian Husky means everything to me. She's been by my side for the past six years and I couldn't imagine life without her. She is my everything, and not only because she's fluffy and cute. Dogs mean so much to so many people for various different reasons, but here are the top reasons why all of our dogs deserve a “thank you”.

  1. They keep your secrets.

When humans can't be trusted, you can always count on your dog to listen to your secrets. They won't run and tell all of your business to the next living soul they see. Plus, they never get tired of listening to you, because, well, they love you.

2. Cuddle Buddies

This is pretty self explanatory. They are furry mounds of love who love to be by your side at all times. There is nothing that beats this.

3. Adventure Partners

Dogs love to adventure, whether it's hiking, going on walks around the neighborhood or going anywhere new. They love to go to new places and experience new things with their loving owners. Plus, they force you to go out and exercise.

4. Guardsmen

They are your protectors. Although some dogs are better than others, they all love their owners and will do anything to keep them safe. Even the smallest puppies are quite vicious.

5. They make you smile.

Everything they do is cute, even when they're being mischievous. They will surely put a smile on your face every day.

6. They are good for your health.

They improve your mood, and in turn, you see these changes in your overall health. Hapiness is key to your health, and what makes a person more happy than a dog?!

7. They're always there for you.

Literally, always. No matter how long you're gone, they will love you just the same.

8. They love you no matter what you do.

You could be the worst human being possible but they will always love you no matter what.

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