Dear Mom and Dad,
Thank you. Words cannot describe how thankful I am to have such supportive parents like you. It's probably hard raising a child, but I know it's harder when they're playing a sport. With the countless hours of driving from practice to home and the tournaments that were out of town, you guys never gave up on me. Even though there were a thousand times I told myself that I was done with my sport after a bad day of playing or practicing, you guys never let me "give up." You guys knew that I wasn't a quitter and pushed me to be the person I am today and I couldn't be any more grateful.
Of course, there were many times I "hated" you guys for making me go practice when I just wanted to be a normal teenager and hang out with my friends, but I am who I am today because of you guys. I would've never thought I would be playing at a collegiate level when I was playing in elementary school. You pushed me to reach my full potential. There were so many times I came home crying from playing bad but dad took me back out to practice on the golf course. We figured it out and if we couldn't fix it, we always figured out a way.
It's never fun being in the freezing cold for a tournament or under the boiling hot sun for six hours, but you guys came to everything you could. When you couldn't, I knew that you guys were thinking about me. Sometimes it sucked being the only kid not having parents at an away tournament, but now that I am a few years older, I completely understand. Jobs don't always allow you to come watch me two or six hours away but that's okay.
Thank you for never complaining to take me to a tournament three hours away when you could. Thank you for letting me grow up fast because I wanted to drive myself to tournaments at 16 years old. I know it sucked watching me grow up fast but I know that I had to if I wanted to get out to play more. Thank you for pushing me when I wanted to give up. Without you guys, I'm sure I would not be playing golf right now. I owe it all to you guys. Thank you for being the supportive parents you guys are. I love you, Mom and Dad.
Your athlete daughter