As a young adult I do not have much experience with love, however, the experience I do have is overwhelmingly blissful. I want to thank the one who has made me feel like the most beautiful girl in the whole world.
Thank you for everything you have done for me since we have started our journey together. Every day that I do not get to see you is never ending it seems. Twenty four hours can feel like an eternity, however the days I do have the privilege of spending with you go by so fast. No matter the pace I cherish every moment I get with you.
I want to thank you for showing me that love is not just a feeling that comes along with having a boyfriend, but an emotion that is felt by every nerve ending in my body. It makes every hair on my arm stand up. It makes my belly feel like it is turned upside down. It even makes me feel dizzy sometimes. You do that to me. Even when we don't see eye to eye (or really eye to chest because you're taller than me) I have never questioned if we should be together.
I want to thank you for not only staying with me, but helping me through any tough situation when you've seen me at my worst. Thank you for endless dates to mexican restaurants and movie nights. Thank you for always believing in me. When I feel like I've hit rock bottom you pick me up so I can climb mountains again. You keep my faith in Jesus alive and lead me towards him when I have strayed. You make my heart so ridiculously happy. No matter how long we have been together there is something about you that I know is so right for me. I do not say it enough, but thank you for loving me the way you do. I love you so much and I cannot thank God enough for placing you in my life, but I can ask that we continue on this endless journey of happiness together.