As a 20-year-old female, one of my biggest struggles in my day-to-day life is not knowing what is in store for me and my future. I have made plans before only to have them fall through. This seems to happen more often than not; so, for when that happens, I have a Pinterest board set aside for only inspiring quotes (I know I'm not the only one). Out of the 1,450 pins (I'm not making that number up) that make up my words to live by board, I have a favorite one that is posted everywhere -- in my planner, on my mirror in my room, and in my car. It goes like this...
God, thank You for the closed doors. Thank You for not allowing me to settle for second best. Every time I thought I was being rejected by something good, You were re-directing me to something better. God, I pray that You will give me peace when frustration creeps in. I pray that You will give me strength to press on when I'm told, "no." God, I thank You for teaching me that 'no' is really just a step to a bigger and better "yes."
I am genuinely thankful for all of the doors that have been slammed in my face. So, here's to all of the closed doors. Thank you for making me realize that I deserve so much better than I think that I do. Thank you for knocking me down so hard, only to force me to find my inner strength as a woman and get back up. Thank you for directing me away from more heartbreak. Thank you for knowing what's best for me, and not allowing me to settle. Thank you for showing me that I am strong enough to accept defeat in something I think I want, only to bring me to something I really need. Thank you for making me question my faith, then strengthening my relationship with God.It is so easy to get caught up in our own plans for our lives. You think you know what is best for yourself. I mean, who can know you better than you know yourself? The answer to that question is God. He created you and made plans for you before you were even thought of here on Earth. He knows what is best for you. Trust me, I know exactly how it feels to have your heart set on something, only to have that door slammed in my face. It's a funny thing how God continuously turns that mess of a plan, into an amazing message.
If I had been given everything I thought I wanted, I have no idea where I would be today. I pray and pray for God to give me what I want, but instead, He gives me everything I never knew I needed. It stinks when you don't get what you want, but it is so, so much sweeter when things work out the way God intended them to. So, keep on truckin' on, and remember to give thanks to all of those closed doors.