After everything that happened I really should hate you, but instead, I want to thank you. 2 years I had stuck around I really thought one day it would just all fall into place and be happily ever after. But at 19 I’m now realizing exactly what I was to you. I was convenient. I was an easy backup. Just tell her what she wants to hear, give her a little bit of hope, give her a little bit of rope and just real her back in when you need her. You used me. Well that’s the past and it will no longer happen again so for that thank you.
Thank you for showing me what I was worth. I’m worth way more than a “Hey what are you up to?!” text message at 10 o’clock at night when your bored, and have nothing better to do.
Thank you for showing me that actions speak WAY louder than words. You were loud and clear, you walked away I didn’t I waited way too many times for you to come back. But the problem was each time you came back I was still there waiting. There you’d go again someone new to talk to and goodbye, but you’d be back around in less than a month, we both knew it.
Thank you for telling your friends things that were supposed to stay between us. You proved you could not be trusted. Many times.
Thank you for letting me down so many time. Canceled plans and false hope. You really did a number on my mind and heart.
Thank you for showing me you weren’t worth fighting for. I kick myself in the ass thinking about every single time I defended you to someone. “He really is a good guy, he’s just having a bad day”, “He’s not normally like this”. Truth is, that’s how you always were I just wanted to believe that you would come around, and be the guy I hoped you were.
Thank you for showing me that I’m no one's second choice. I deserve more than that. I deserve someone who cares about me and not just getting with me. When I ask to hang out and your too busy with your ex, I was then your second choice and that will never happen again
Thank you for not fighting for me. Thank you for letting me go at the right time. Thank you for every single moment that let to where we both are today.
Everyone in your life is either a lesson or a blessing, well I figured it out. You were a lesson, a really big one. Thanks for breaking me and making me feel like the world won’t go on without you. Guess what! The world does go on without you and it's pretty great out here.
Thanks for everything, I hope you're happy now!
The girl who would have given you her world