A Thank You To Odyssey | The Odyssey Online
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A Thank You To Odyssey

And to all the fabulous creators, editors and friends

A Thank You To Odyssey

I just became part of Odyssey Online a few months ago. I was recruited by my college's chapter on Instagram, and instantly I was intrigued. I've always loved writing, but it's been something that hard for me to keep up. Through Odyssey, I saw an opportunity to continue writing and improve my writing ability on a wide range of topics.

But the journey so far has ended up being so much more.

While I'd never heard of Odyssey Online before, I can certainly see the appeal of it and honestly have probably had once come across it without even knowing. Every week, Odyssey writers come up with new and interesting topics with a wide range of point of views. There's always something intriguing to read whenever you go on the site, and I have spent many a free hour just browsing and supporting my fellow writers. You guys are great and so creative and I enjoy reading your views and perspectives on topics, even some I've never even thought about before. I thank you for putting yourself out there and writing about issues that are important or interesting to you.

As for the editors, you guys work so hard every week to make sure our writing is the best it can be, and I can't thank you enough. We sometimes turn in late, turn in articles that may be barely coherent and whatever else our minds come up with, but you guys are always ready for anything and ready to help us out when we need it. I really appreciate all that you do.

Now to my school's branch of Odyssey, all of you are so great and supportive and funny. Coming into college I was worried about finding places and groups in which I feel like I belong, but our Odyssey team is definitely a group I love being a part of. I love sending funny gifs in the groupchat and sharing our articles and moments of the day. I love saying hi on the street and seeing you at meetings and coming up with some of the most random article ideas we can.

And thank you Odyssey Online in general. Thank you for creating a space in which we as college students can write about our emotions and experiences and ideas to an audience that knows what we're going through and has experienced some of the same things we have. Thank you for creating a space for us to practice our writing and to be together through the process.

I can't wait to continue my journey with Odyssey for these next few years to come.

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