How often do you truly thank your Starbucks barista? Most likely, your answer is not enough. One day this week after my Starbucks visit, I realized that I don't tell my baristas how much I appreciate them. I also realized that these workers might be some of the most unappreciated workers in general. They do so much for us with one simple task of making my coffee and/or breakfast sandwich for the day. They have the power to make your nine hour class day when you have three exams and a paper due enjoyable just because you have that Starbucks cup in your hand.
Thank you for...
Dealing with me when I'm at my absolute worst.
Putting up with me on mornings like this.
Giving me what I need to survive.
Keeping me awake during my most boring class.
Talking to me when you can tell I'm awake and sometimes being my therapist.
Not talking to me when I'm not in the mood to be awake at this early hour.
Keeping me from NOT walking into my 8 am like this.
Adding extra, extra carmel for no reason.
My free coffee because I come in so often. Or because you can tell I truly need it to function that day due to the darkness of my under eye circles. Whichever one works.
Not poisoning me on a daily basis.
Being the best. BecaSoemuse you are.
Without our baristas, we couldn't get through the day as smoothly as we do. We'd be grouchy, sleepy, and extremely unpleasant to be around. You do more than "just make coffee." You make my day.
Thank you for keeping me alive.