Coming into college I was very hesitant about the friends I would make and how quickly I would connect with a group of people. It's taken me two years to get to the point I so desperately wanted to be at but I finally found my place with a group of 5 girls, including myself. They each have taught me things about myself, the world, and Jesus that I imagine would have never been revealed to me without these girls.
First of all, thank you. Thank you for taking me under your wing and not giving up on not just me but also the permanent bond that we have all built. I know for a fact that my life would be completely different without you in it. You first taught me how to laugh at myself. We all do stupid things and question the sanity of the people around us, but you have shown me that those things are okay to laugh at. You can't take life too serious when i comes to certain things.
Second, I appreciate you more then I have said or led you to know. When I have hard times or a bad day, you are the ones I want to go to and talk it out with. I love having 4 sets of ears to listen to my issues and be there to be a shoulder to cry on. You guys may not see your significance in my life, but you are my solid group. You're my squad.
Finally, as this season of life changes us and molds us into different people, I want you to know I'm praying for you. I know I don't say that often enough and I know sometimes that's what you need to hear because nothing else will satisfy. But please know I pray for you constantly. As one who knows the power of prayer and seen it work out in all your lives, I am more than confident that the Lord is working crazy things in your lives and will continue to do so. I love you each more than I can comprehend in words but I hope you get a glimpse of that love through this.
Thank you for being my squad.