I don't exactly know where to begin with this. I can think of a million reasons to thank you, and another million reasons to try to wrestle you to the ground (but let's face it: I am no longer taller, or stronger than you...not even close). You have done more for me in your lifetime than you could ever possibly realize. You've been my constant best friend and companion since the day you were born. I know you don't really have a choice, but I feel pretty lucky regardless.
I guess the first thing I want to thank you for is always trying to make me feel better when you know I'm feeling down. You always are able to tell when something isn't right with me, and you always do little things to make me smile when this is the case. Through every break-up or emotional breakdown, you've always been there to help put me back together, to remind me that the bad things will pass and that it all does get better.
I also want to thank you for always talking to me. You always listen to me talk about irrelevant things and pretend to care about what I was talking about. I can't count how many hours you've spent listening to me talk about school gossip, TV show drama, or useless factoids about a movie or book I recently read. You also confide in me, making me feel like a friend as well as your sibling. Having a heart-to-heart with you is one of my favorite things to do. When it's just the two of us, we could talk for hours about anything. You are my confidant and friend.
Thank you for challenging me. In your lifetime, we have constantly made fun of and picked on one another. But behind this aggravation, we have pushed one another to do better. You've always been the one person I was determined to prove wrong when you would say I couldn't do something. But mixed with the annoying comments and constant bickering, you've always been one of the first people to congratulate me for my accomplishments.
Thank you for being my partner in crime, and always doing the stupid things I told you to do. From pulling the curtain rod out of the wall (sorry Dad) to picking a killer playlist for our long drives home, you've helped me make some of the best memories. Whenever I was doing something dumb, you were usually right there with me. There are plenty of times the phrase "I'll do it if you do it" stick out in my head.
We fight. We bicker. We drive mom nuts. There is no one else I'd rather grow up with than you. You've grown into such an amazing person that I am so proud to call not only my sibling but also my best friend. I can't say thank you enough for all the things you've done for me. I'm so thankful that I've had you by my side. I love you.