Dear Older Sister,
As the years go on, we find ourselves getting closer than ever before. It seems like just yesterday we were playing with our Barbie Dolls who drove around in pink convertibles, hoping one day we would own that very same convertible. We fought, we cried, we put the blame on the other when our parents asked what happened. We laughed, we hugged, and we shared secrets no one knows. "Don't tell mom" was a phrase used daily, and we really never did. I realize that we don't always say how much the other means to us, so here's an article just for you. It's about time I wrote one!
Thank you for being the strong one. As the younger sibling, when things hit the fan, I looked at you for direction and reassurance. During times where I was losing it, you were the one reminding me to buck up and face the problems head on.
Thank you for giving me tough love when I need it. We all know I can be a loose cannon and fly by the seat of my pants on a lot of things. Thanks for bringing me back to reality when I really do need the hard truth said to my face. If you don't say it, no one else will.
Thanks for always answering the question of "Want to get a drink?" with a "Yes!"
You always support my dreams and achievements, and I am forever grateful that you are my cheerleader.
I'm happy that I have someone I can be really weird with. Like talking in our baby accents, and laughing until we snort. Or trying to bake cookies and instead have a flour war. Drinking wine while having a singing/dancing party to Beyonce's "Drunk in Love." You truly complement my weirdness.
Thanks for never judging my dance moves; self explanatory.
I am so proud of you and everything that you have accomplished. I support you with whatever you need. I can't say that enough!
Thank goodness for our telepathy. We can send SOS vibes from miles away and still know the other needs us.
Thank you for always keeping my secrets. I've gone through some tough times in my life, and some situations that have cut me to the core. Thanks for never judging when I let you in on those details.
Finally, thanks for being my favorite person to laugh with.
I would be lost without you, and very bored without the shenanigans we cause! Thanks for being the best older sister I could ask for, and my friend for life.