You've seen me at my worst, you've seen me at my (semi) best and you probably know more about me than I do. I don't know where to start in thanking each one of you for what you've brought to my life and all you've done for me. No, the road hasn't been easy and we've battled through a lot of uncomfortable stuff but in the end, you guys have always been there. Through breakups, family disputes, dating, high school drama, jobs, loss and everything in between. I don't really think I can call it a friendship anymore; you're sisters to me.
You guys made up for my crappy high school experience by giving me the best one I could've asked for outside of my high school walls. When we look back on who we all used to be and the things we used to do, it seems crazy to think we ever had the time to be that carefree and happy. We did what we wanted, together, all the time and those are memories that will stay with me forever.
We're all from different situations and circumstances that make us all unique but yet we all fit together into this perfectly knit friendship like we were all specifically made to become friends with each other. I solely believe one of my purposes in life was to be a best friend to each of you. Anyone who knows us all, know we're best friends and it's been that way for some time now and I wouldn't have it any other way. Its nice having people who know you so well that you don't even have to say anything for them to know something is wrong or something is right in your life. You guys accept every broken part of me and show me true, genuine love through every situation; so even on days when I feel nothing but alone, I truly know that I'm not.
Another crazy thing is to think about what all we have already experienced together but yet we have so much more to look forward to. We've only experienced a small part of what the entirety of our friendship will be like, so even on my worst days, this makes me feel at ease.
When we got older reality hit us in the face and we all went our separate ways (life wise) but still remained as close as ever. Two of us moved half way across the country, yet we all kept in touch and I never felt "out of the circle" or that I was any less cared for. The hardest part of the experience, other than the sole fact of being away from my best friends, was making new friends. I didn't really know how to because I never had to; I always had you guys. I think a part of me was always closed off and unwilling to meet new people because I felt like I didn't need to because I already had everything I needed in a friendship with you guys; but then I realized you were my family and I didn't need to worry about making new friends because regardless of who was to walk in and out of my life, you would remain.
I dream of the day I stand next to each of you on your wedding day and although not all of us have children just yet, to the ones who do, I've had the most amazing time getting to know your little humans and being apart of their world. I want them to feel the love and comfort with me that you guys have always given I know you will all do for my children one day.
Thank you, for always being the shoulder I need, the wise words behind every mistake, keeping secrets that no one else in this world could know, picking me up off the floor when I fall apart and mostly for giving me a "sisterhood" that I will tell my grandchildren about one day when I'm old and grey.
Thank you all for loving me, more than I could ever love myself.