Thank you.
Thank you for agreeing to occupy the same small space as me for a good amount of the year.
Thank you for being there when I needed someone to talk to or cry to or rant to.
Thank you for having random conversations in the dark at 1 in the morning.
Thank you for helping me choose what to wear.
Thank you for being supportive.
Thank you for taking care of me when I am not well.
Thank you for being my roommate.
I had heard so many horror stories about the roommates people got their freshman year. They wouldn't talk to them, be extremely rude or clingy. That was not the case with us. In the months before college, I had hoped we would not only be great roommates but great friends as well. I had predicted right. I had strongly believed before we moved in that it would work out. So many people told me to be careful but I had a gut feeling that everything would be fine.
From the minute we decided to be roommates, I had a feeling things would work out. We are very similar in music taste, humor and many other things and I never thought I would find someone else who enjoys breaking out into a full performance of I Can't Wait To Be King from The Lion King. We know how to make each other smile but we also know when the other needs space or someone to talk to.
Thank you for not judging me when I yell out loud at the ending of a TV show.
Thank you for the hilarious Snapchat videos.
Thank you for doing face masks with me.
I'm glad that next semester when I see you, we can both smile and wave at each other and even engage in a friendly hug. We survived our first year of college together so cheers to that.
You are not only my freshman year roommate, you are my friend and I am so thankful for that.