Supposedly best friends are forever, but this was not our case. We both had our issues and could no longer fix them, no matter how hard we tried. But, I do not regret our friendship. We grew together and learned from each other and I would not have changed anything, except the way we ended it.
I want to preface this article by saying I did see your article and I could not agree with it more if I tried.
Thank you for teaching me things I did not think I needed to know. You were the first person I became friends with my freshman year in high school. You made everything easier. You helped me learn how to do makeup, and how to do a perfect bun, “because I’m a dancer.” You even tried helping me understand football, I still have no idea what is going on, but it is the thought that counts.
Thank you for helping me reach my full potential. We were constantly competing against each other. Sure, this is not how we should have acted, but it helped me immensely. We were always fighting to see who would get the better grade on the test, which made me study much harder. You constantly criticized my singing, making me work harder and become much better at it.
Thank you for trusting me and letting me trust you. I am a huge introvert. I hate that about myself. You were the only person I trusted. I was so afraid to open up to you, but to this day you still know more about me than anyone ever has, or probably ever will. Thank you for making me feel safe enough to tell you everything and thank you for trusting me with things as well.
Thank you for all the memories. Of course I still look back on our time together and smile. Those were some of the best times of my life. I would never change these experiences. Everything from hanging out and laughing for hours on end, spending countless nights at each others houses, and of course unplanned Chinese food dates. We had some of the best times together, and some of the worse too, but you were there and that is what mattered.
Thank you for thinking of me. I am so happy I came across your article. How you may ask? I too think about you from time to time and like to check up, so yes I was twitter stalking… oops! I am glad our friendship had inspired you to write about it. I can’t thank you enough for not bashing me and for really opening my eyes on some of the best aspects of our relationship. You made me a better person and I wish I had the opportunity to tell you sooner.
To wrap it up I hope you are doing well. I hope your freshman year of college went as amazingly as mine did. I hope our paths cross again and we are able to look back on our friendship laugh and remember all the good times.