To my dearest Boyfriend,
Despite the fact that we have been dating for so long, you never cease amazing me (and I do not foresee your amazingness ceasing anytime soon). Every single day you make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world to be able to say "Oh him? Yeah, that's my boyfriend!" Thank you for every single thing that you do every day to show how much you love me.
Thank you for making me smile
Even when we are apart, there isn't a moment when you can't put the biggest of smiles on my face. Regardless of how bad a day I may have had, one hug or joke from you makes all my worries disappear and replaces them with a smile and laughter.
Thank you for all the food
More often than not, if I'm eating out it's because it's your treat. Thanks for always offering to take me out and loving the same restaurants as I do...and for sometimes not arguing when I try to pick up the check.
Thank you for loving ice cream as much as I do
As we all know, ice cream is the most important food group so of course it needed its own shout out. Some of my absolute favorite texts are when my phone randomly lights up with your name and "Do you want to go get ice cream?" No matter what time it is or what I am doing, the answer is always yes. Thanks for responding the same way when I ask you.
Thank you for all the snuggles
After a long day or a bad week or really any occasion, nothing feels better than curling up with you to watch our favorite show. You playing with my hair while I use your chest as a pillow is the ultimate mode of relaxation. P.S. Thanks for always being warm and counteracting my eternal coldness.
Thank you for getting as emotionally invested in reality shows as I do
Let's be honest here, relationship goals is being equally angry at the couple on House Hunters for picking house number two when clearly house three was the best choice.
Thank you for all the social media posts you share with me
Whenever I get a notification that you sent me a tweet or an insta post, I always know that it's going to make me smile. Whether it's a cute animal video or a funny tweet, it makes my day to know that you saw something and thought of me.
Thank you for dealing with my hair being everywhere all the time
I really can't help it that I shed and that my hair ends up all over your stuff... so thanks for always laughing about it instead of being annoyed by it. Also, thanks for coming to terms with the fact that no matter what I do, my hair is going to end up in your face when we snuggle.
Thank you for always picking me up when I'm down
Some days all I see are my negative traits and how things have gone wrong. But luckily I have you to always talk me out of it and help me see all the ways I have succeeded. Thank you for always helping me too find the good in every day and most importantly, in myself.
Thank you for being my best friend
Without a shadow of a doubt, you are my very best friend. Whenever I have news, be it good or bad, you are the first person I want to tell. Thank you for celebrating every high and helping me through every low.
Thank you for being mine
I'm not gonna lie, it wasn't easy getting you. It took a long time to decide that turning our friendship into a relationship was the right decision, but I am so thankful that we did. Every bump along the way has just proven to bring us closer together and stronger. I honestly do not know what I ever would do without you holding my hand. Thank you for everything, I love you endlessly.