I want to start with thank you. I'm not thanking you for everything you have done for me, but with how you raised your daughter, my best friend. I don't know how or why she turned out the way she did, but she has been the biggest blessing in my life and everyone else she meets. Thank you for teaching her how to care endlessly and how to love forever. Thank you for teaching her how to forgive everyone and everything, because I mess up a lot. Thank you for being her mom.
I guess now I should thank you for everything you have done for me. Thank you for the ENDLESS sleepovers and now letting her live with me. Thank you for the second home and the open arms. Thank you for always giving me advice, whether I want it or not. Thank you for forgiving me as much as your daughter does. Thank you for teaching me to just let things happen. You taught me to let go and let her chase her dreams. No matter how far she goes, she will come back. In teaching me that, you taught me to chase my own dreams. You have taught me to let something go and if it comes back it is yours to keep, of not, then it was never yours. You taught me an endless amount of stuff and forever I will be thanking you.
I can't tell you how much your family has impacted me. Between the sleepovers, the funerals, the bonfires, the dates, the parties and the yard sales, you have also taught me how to care endlessly, love forever, and to forgive everyone and everything.
So really thank you. Without you, and many others, I would not be the person I am today. I love you momma B. Thank you for letting me be the daughter you never saw coming.