Dear Grandma,
Thank you for always asking about how I was doing in school and making sure that I kept up the good work. Those little words of encouragement have made the biggest difference when I feel like quitting, giving up everything and just working at some job that I don’t love every day of my life.
Thank you for existing. Literally, without you, I wouldn’t be here or who I am today. Some of your best and worst traits have been passed on to me and while I haven’t quite figured out how to navigate the stubbornness, I appreciate it all the same.
Thank you for being home for me. For the first few years of my life, you were the one who was there every single day, from the second I opened my eyes to the second I closed my eyes for bed. You’ve sat with me while doing homework, fueled my love for Judge Judy and given me a competitive edge while watching Jeopardy. You sacrificed your morning News 12 for early morning cartoons, and childhood me so appreciated it.
Thank you for cleaning up after my messes, making my bed every morning, and tucking me into bed at night. I know it isn’t easy running after a noisy child and cleaning up after them yet you’ve done it wonderfully. You’ve done the same thing for my little sister that you did for me and I am so glad that she’ll have those memories when she’s older.
Thank you for showing me the simplicity of life. By avoiding extravagance, you’ve taught me to appreciate the simple things, like, a warm cup of coffee in the morning is a perfect way to start the day.
Thank you for being there when grandpa passed away. While you were grieving in your own way at the loss of your husband, you were comforting me for the loss of my best friend. I hardly think that could be easy. I know you were always mad at us for bringing lightning bugs into the house, but I think you secretly enjoyed having to smash the bugs with a broom…you have to admit, it was a little entertaining, right?
Thank you for that one phone call. You probably remember what it was and I’ll keep it between us. Just know that you’ve done the best you can and you have absolutely nothing to apologize for. You’ve been amazing.
Thank you for the reassurance, for putting a smile on your face and telling me you were feeling okay even if you weren’t. It’s probably one of the most selfless things anyone has ever done for me, but just know that when you aren’t okay, I’m here to help, with a smile and open arms.
Thank you for all the memories.
Look around at the life you’ve fueled, the people you’ve impacted, and the memories you’ve fostered in people. You are so appreciated and so loved.
Your Granddaughter