Calling all Firefighters, police officers, EMTs, paramedics, doctors, nurses, military men and women Thank you. Thank you for being our heroes. Instead of wearing capes and flying around, you wear your turn out gear or bulletproof vests and travel to an emergency in emergency vehicles with lights and sirens blaring. You put others' lives before your own and we are forever grateful for that. Every time someone dials 911, you answer the call.
This is no 9 to 5 job. Most city departments have 24 hour shifts. There are also 12 hour shifts which could turn into longer hours. Don't forget the night shift. In rural areas these departments are purely volunteer. They take on these responsibilities on top of the job they hold. Thank you for dropping everything when duty call. Thank you for giving up time with your family to protect others.
Thank you for working on holidays when everyone else is at home celebrating with their family. While the rest of the country has the holiday off, you continue to work. You send the holiday away from families. "Santa" and the "Easter Bunny" visits early or late depending on your work schedule. We take having the holidays off for granted. While the rest of us spend time with family and friends, you continue to work and protect the nation.
Thank you for working in all weather conditions. While the rest of us stay warm inside during the harsh winters, you work in the freezing cold, snow, and ice. In addition, you work in the scorching summer heat wearing turn out gear where it is so easy to become dehydrated and suffer overheating or heat stroke. Not just in the heat and the cold but in all weather conditions as well. Thank you for facing the storms and putting your health at risk to help others.
Thank you for risking your life to save another. You risk your life to save other people and animals. You run into unimaginable situations. Firefighters pull people from burning buildings. Police face gunfire when they fight to protect and serve others.
First Responders are the first ones in and the last ones out. Thank you for running into burning buildings and dangerous situations. You run toward the danger while others run away. You are brave and courageous. You do not turn your back when the situation gets rocky. You are the first ones on the scene and the last to leave because you are there to fight and help others.
You witness unimaginable situations and save countless of lives. You keep this country safe. Thank you for answering the call.Thank you for being the heroes without the capes.