It’s finally here, the end of the year. As summer is approaching and finals are winding down, I’m finding the time to actually relax and take a breath. This time of year is stressful, and sometimes I wonder how I’m able to stay so sane. The answer is obvious, though. It’s all of my wonderful friends. You guys were always there when I needed you. Whether it was a last-minute movie trip to escape studying, going out to eat at 2 in the morning because that’s just how hungry we were or binge watching our favorite show Sunday nights because our brains are too tired to do anything else. For that, I thank you all. It’s the moments that we have together that I’ll cherish forever, and it’s the memories we’ve made that I’ll never forget.
This semester has been one of my most trying and most stressful I’ve been through so far. Through the endless amounts of school work, spreading myself too thin with my activities and having not one, but a couple, mental breakdowns from everything else, I had you guys to rely on. I never had to doubt whether I was going to have a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen or a laugh coming my way after I wiped the tears from my eyes. I know I’m at college to get an education and better myself, and I am. Yet through my time spent here, it’s been you all that has made this time extra worthwhile. I know our times weren’t always perfect, though. Through all our stress came some disagreements and arguments, and for that, I’m sorry, I’m just stubborn when I’m cranky and I’m cranky when I’m stressed. That doesn’t mean that I don;t love you all with my whole heart, and laughing at those silly arguments now is great. And with that, I’m going to miss you all so much over the summer.
I’ll miss our spontaneous trips to get Chinese food, the deep talks we have when we’re supposed to be doing homework and the gut-busting laughter over everything and anything. I couldn’t have done this semester without you. They say God puts us through challenging times because He knows we can handle it, and He trusts our strength. Well, I also think my man up there doing His thing put you guys by my side, because He knew I wasn’t complete without you. I love you guys. This summer will be torture without you all by side, but you best believe that when we reunite, I’ll be tackling you, hugging you and not letting go until you push me off, because I will be going through withdrawals. It’s OK though, because you guys are worth the wait, are worth the struggle and you all mean the world to me. So one last time, thank you. Thank you so much for putting up with me, and for being my best friends.