Thank You, The Faim, For Being A Positive Inspiration In Our Lives | The Odyssey Online
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Thank You, The Faim, For Being A Positive Inspiration In Our Lives

The Faim have inspired many people, so here is my personal thank you.

Thank You, The Faim, For Being A Positive Inspiration In Our Lives

Just like myself, so many fans have been inspired by Aussie band The Faim. I came across them May this year and my life has been impacted in such a positive way. From their music to the lyrics, to the friends I have made because of them and the positive messages they spread.

Through them I have found confidence, I have made new friends and have fallen in love with music in ways I thought to be impossible.

Their music has impacted me in such a positive way. They have also inspired me to be more open with my creativity, because of them I have rekindled my creative streak, their music has sparked something in me which I thought was long gone, my writing is coming back to life because of them and I couldn't be more grateful.

The Faim have not just inspired me, but they have also inspired the people around — the people I call friends. They have had such a positive impact on so many. They inspire my friends and me to be the best we can and to want to give 100% in everything we do.

So this a thank you to them. I think the reason for this being is that they're not afraid to express how they really feel, their songs definitely come from the heart.

Their music is an escape, as well as being real. The songs hold important messages, many fans are thankful for the raw music they provide but are also thankful for the fact it provides shelter and escape when going through a rough patch.

Songs such as "Make Believe" prove this. With heart-wrenching lyrics such as "I want to feel something" and "All we are is guilty hearts in a sea of memories." These lyrics just show how open The Faim are.

Make Believe is my favorite song to hear them play live as the amount of passion that goes into each performance of the song is truly astounding.

The Faim Make Believe Live in Leeds Stylus 22 September 2018YouTube

Unreleased song "Infamous" also means a lot to many fans such as myself as the lyrics provide a powerful message. With lyrics such as "don't lose your way" it is easy to understand how so many people are able to connect with this band.

They give so much to their fans and in return, the fans connect to their music and take something from each song.

Another inspirational song is one of their singles Summer Is Curse. This song provides lyrics such as "All we need is time" and "If you never try then you'll never know."

Personally, when I am feeling downtrodden, I will listen to this song and these lyrics will make me feel more positive about the world around me.

The Faim - Summer Is A Curse [Official Video]YouTube

Not only do their songs provide positive messages, but the band members like to spread a positive attitude, especially lead singer, Josh Raven. All he wants is for fans to feel safe and be able to explore their creativity and take what they want from life.

Josh also teaches fans to not be afraid of being themselves.

"Don't sell yourself short. There's nothing wrong with being different. Being yourself is the most unique and beautiful part of being human."
"Be your own hero. You're strong enough to be anyone, achieve anything and create whatever you want. It all starts with a thought in the right direction."
"When you hit rock bottom, you've got nowhere to go but up. I was so broken, ruled by my anxiety, sadness and anger, It took a lot of thinking to realize that life can be unfair but it's never wasted. It makes us stronger and opens us to the fact we're all deserving of happiness."

For me, these are vital messages, I am still young myself, but there are fans younger than me who would need to hear such positive, vibrant messages as I know I still do. These quotes honestly make me happier and push me to be the best I can. These are the quotes that give me that extra push when I'm having a bad day, they are encouraging, myself and so many others are thankful for these small ounces of wisdom.

The fact that Josh isn't afraid to speak up about his mental health and raises awareness towards those who follow him is an inspiration. He is an inspiration who demonstrates, even though we have bad days we can still free ourselves from these days as things will get better with time.

I am thankful for The Faim for being a really inspiring group of young men who create great music and spread such a positive message to their followers. They truly are great guys and I will always be thankful for the positive messages they spread whether it be through their songs, captions or tweets — this allows us all to realize we are not alone.

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