Never in a million years did seventh grade me think I would date you. I had the biggest crush on you for four years and then after a year-and-a-half of talking and being together on-and-off, you finally wanted to date me. Of course, it had to be a month before the end of senior year, after I had already decided to go to school 2,500 miles away.
We tried, though, didn't we? I know I did. We dated long distance for a whole school year. I grew in so many ways and I hope you did too. I learned patience. With living in different time zones, talking to you was not going to happen 24/7. I had to accept that and appreciate the time we did have to talk because I knew it would only last a few hours. I learned that the time we had together was so precious because it was finite. You taught me to appreciate my time with everyone, not just you because I never know how much time I will have with anyone in my life.
One of the hardest things I had to do was say goodbye to you every time I had to go back to school. It never became easier but it did teach me how to deal with my emotions. Thank you for making me stronger and helping me grow.
I was devastated when we broke up. I thought I was going to be lost during college because I wasn't going to have you to talk to and confide in. You had been my best friend since seventh grade, we had never gone more than a day without talking since sophomore year of high school and now we meant nothing to each other. It was a culture shock.
Then I remembered how strong I really am. I was never dependent on you. Yes, I did go to you for everything but that is because I valued your opinion. I am strong and always have been. After a few days of being sad, I told myself that being sad was pointless. It was mysummer with my friends and I wanted to enjoy it, so I did.
I spent the last month of summer with people I rarely saw over the course of the previous year. I tried things I never thought I would have while dating you, so thank you.
I am a month into my sophomore year and I am happy. I am independent. I am confident and I am thriving in so many aspects of my life. Breaking up with you made me into a new person. I am having so much fun and I do think the decision to break up was the right decision. Thank you for making me a stronger person and being such a good friend for so long. You truly had a positive impact on my life and though it may not have ended well I can look back on those memories and I feel content and at peace.
Thank you.