After returning to campus after being home for a month for semester break, I realized just how much I truly need my roommate in my life. She's one of the most amazing people I've ever met and I truly don’t know where I would be without her. I have so much to thank her for because she does so much for me. So here is a little thank you to the best roommate ever.
1. Always having keys.
I don’t know what it is with me and keys, but I ever seem to have them. I either forget to bring them with me entirely or I can’t find them when I am ready to leave. Either way, you always have keys when I don’t which is one of the biggest life-savers ever.
2. Going to the gym with me.
Let’s be honest, no sane person enjoys going to the gym in college, so it’s really nice to have a roommate to go with you. Neither of us actually want to go. At all, but we do. By going together, we motivate each other. I know I definitely would not actually go if I didn’t have someone going with me and actually holding me to my workout plans.
3. Eating all of the food.
You are the one person who is always down to get food which is super important. Wraps, pizza, chinese food, french fries, ice cream, ect. I am a firm believer that there is never a bad time for food, and I am pretty sure you would agree with me on that since we always seem to be eating together.
4. Not judging me too harshly
Basically, I’m a disaster, but somehow you manage to put up with me. How you actually do it is a mystery to me, but I guess the how doesn’t matter. I’m just glad I got a roommate who doesn’t judge me too much for the complete mess that I am.
5. Remembering my schedule when I don’t.
I am quite possibly one of the most forgetful person on the planet, so it is so handy to have someone who remembers whether I need to set my alarm 8:20 or 8:40 a.m. because God knows I can’t remember.
6. Also remembering where I leave my stuff that I never seem to be able to find.
Again with the forgetful thing. I lose everything. EVERYTHING. This past week alone, I have lost my Saintcard, my phone, my earbuds, my laptop charger, and my biology binder. Somehow, you usually know where I left these things, so I am usually able to find them again before I get too stressed and emotional about it.
7. Doing absolutely nothing with me.
Some of my favorite memories involve us just sitting on our beds doing nothing. The best time are when we just sit, drink tea, listen to music, and talk.
8. Taking my side in arguments (when I actually have a valid side).
Ok, so usually my point isn’t valid in most arguments we get into with our friend group, but when I do have an unusually good point in one, you are always there to back me up and help my argument out a little bit.
9. Helping me pick out what I should wear.
Choosing my outfits is another one of my weaknesses. Usually I get stressed about which sweater I should wear, so I let you choose for me. You have very good taste in my clothes. I probably would never make it to class in the morning if I actually had to think about it and choose on my own.
10. Jamming to random music with me.
Surprisingly, one of the few really similar things about us is our music tastes. We always agree on what music to listen to, mostly because neither of us actually care. It is nice to have someone to jam to throwbacks or discover new music with.
11. Always being there.
I never have once had to question whether you were there for me or not. Since day one you have been there to support me when I am stressed, frustrated, upset, or overwhelmed. Even when I don’t realize that I need you right then, you are there ready to listen and talk me through anything and everything. Unless it involves crying. You don’t do crying, do you?
Even though we are probably two of the most different people on the planet, we just work as a pair. I am so blessed to have you in my life as my roommate and as my friend. I seriously don’t know what I would do without you, so here’s to another amazing semester of memories, movie nights, awful trips to the gym, and lots and lots of food.