Since I was very young, my parents encouraged me to be whatever I wanted to be. What I wanted changed over time, but when I finally settled on counseling psychology, they supported me.
Since I was very young, my parents encouraged me to always be myself. They encouraged me to never fear who I am and to always be proud of it. It's taken some time, but with their encouragement, I'm finally getting to that point with myself.
Since I was very young, my parents told me I could come to them about anything. they said they would always love me no matter what, and I could always be honest with them. When I had a mental breakdown at 20, I came to them and explained I needed help.
Since I was very young, my parents told me I was capable of anything I set my mind to, and that I was destined to do great things. So now that I am seeking those great things, they support me.
When I got older, my parents taught me it was okay to fall as long as I always got back up. But this lesson was not taught by them telling me. This was taught by me watching my parents never stop trying to be their best. My parents have never stopped trying to be the best people, parents, siblings, and so many other roles they've filled. Most importantly, my parents have never stopped trying to be here for me. No matter how many times I shut them out. No matter how many times I acted like a little brat. No matter how many times I made it hard for them, they always were there.
To my parents:
Thank you.
Thank you for raising me to persevere. Thank you for raising me to be myself, thank you for making me into who I am, and making me into someone I can be proud of. I am only who I am because of you. And I am so grateful to have you two as my parents. I know I don't say it enough, but thank you. And I love you.
Your daughter.