Hey Dad, you're kind of super awesome and you deserve the world. While I can't exactly give you that at the moment, I can take the time to thank you for just a few of the amazing things you've done for me over the last 20 years.
1. Working your butt off day-in and day-out
Everything I am and everything I have been able to do is all thanks to your hard work. Thank you for working so hard and doing all that you can to support our family.
2. Dealing with my dramatics
I get it- I'm not super easy to deal with. And yes there have been a few times I needed put in my place but most of the time you just let me live my dramatic life. Plus, just looking at this picture everyone can tell where i get my dramatics from.
3. Spoiling the crap out of me
I'm not some spoiled brat but at the same time I am some spoiled brat. Thank you for giving me everything I could have ever needed and wanted.
4. But also keeping me humble
I still had to get a job and work and buy things myself. Thank you for teaching me the value of money (something a lot of my friends don't know) and teaching me that there are a lot of people out there who aren't as fortunate as we are.
5. Being my #1 fan
You have a t-shirt that says "Cheer Dad"... I think this one is self-explanatory
6. Being my coach on and off the field
Remember when you coached my softball team? Remember when you would walk over to the backstop and coach me even you technically weren't supposed to? Well as annoyed as i may have seemed then, thank you for always being there and calming me down after those really crappy games.
7. Supporting (almost) all of my decisions
You wanna go to a $70,000 school? Get your grades up and get in, we'll make it work. Thanks, Dad :)
8. Listening to me complain about nursing school
I know that half the time you have no idea what I'm talking about but you listen and let me cry anyway.
9. Hugging me so hard you squeeze the tears out
You know exactly what I'm talking about. Nothing can make me cry quicker than a long, tight hug from my biggest support system.
10. Taking silly selfies like the one below
Clearly my mom is not amused
11. Teaching me important lessons/survival skill in life
Whether I actually listen or not... Thank you for taking me to vote for the first time, making me shovel snow, defrost my car, go for an oil change, and try to explain taxes to me. There is so much more that I am so thankful to learn from you.
12. Passing along at least some musical talent
Of course we'll never be at great as you and Mom, but thank you for giving me your love of music and always being willing to jam out to musicals with me.
13. Teaching me to be strong when times were tough
And we've had some TOUGH times
14. Staying on me to stay in shape
Yeah my career kind of depends on it and I know I roll my eyes out of my head when you mention it but thank you for pushing me anyway.
15. Always knowing how to make me smile
Whether we're making fun of Mom or just acting silly in general you always know what to do.
And one for good luck... always believing in me
You've always believed I am strong enough to do whatever I wanted to do and that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. Thank you for letting me fly but always being there in case I fall and thank you for encouraging me to be my best possible self.
I promise I will make you proud.