Thank You, Dad
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Thank You, Dad

I will always be your little girl.

Thank You, Dad
Jenna Podgorski

Dear Dad,

I cannot imagine my life without you.

You are incredible and I am absolutely blessed to be your daughter. I appreciate everything that you have done for me, as you have played a key role in shaping me into the person I have become. Without your guidance, patience, and knowledge, I would not be successful in life.

With that being said, here are a few reasons why I am thankful to have someone as amazing as you are in my life.

1. Thank you for letting me look up to you.

I will always remember being little and thinking that you were a giant. Growing up and getting ready for our father-daughter dances, I would always hope that my one-inch heels in conjunction with standing on my tiptoes would help me be as tall as you, but let’s face it… It didn’t. Although I am done growing now, you will always be taller than me, but that gives me a reason to always look up to you. However, I look up to you as a role model. You are a great example of a father, and I aspire to be a great parent just like you are for me.

2. Thank you for showing me what great work ethic looks like.

You have inspired me to strive for nothing but success. All of the work that you have accomplished and will continue to accomplish has provided me with a solid understanding as to what it takes to achieve great things in life. If I could be half as successful as you are today, I would be happy.

3. Thank you for teaching me all about sports.

I have loved playing and watching sports since you first introduced me to them. When I was young, I was lucky enough for you to coach me when I first began playing basketball. You taught me how to dribble, pass and shoot the ball. You taught me how to communicate, both on and off the court with my teammates. When I started playing softball, you taught me how to catch and throw. You were always encouraging me to throw the ball with you in the backyard, so I could become a better player. As I decided to start pitching, you were always willing to be my catcher. When I started playing volleyball, you pushed me to be confident with my setting. I am grateful that you have always supported me through the ups and downs of all of my sports, and I am beyond lucky that you were able to come watch my games and cheer for me from the stands. I love that you are my number one fan.

4. Thank you for giving me your sense of humor.

Let me just be the first one to say that you are actually hilarious. I appreciate that you know how to make me laugh and put me in a better mood. Although I often say that your jokes are lame and super cheesy, I enjoy all of the laughs you have given me. Too bad I don’t have a six-pack of abs… We better work on that.

5. Thank you for helping me out with my schoolwork.

The fact that you acknowledge how tough school can be for me sometimes is something that I could not take for granted. Although you always tell me to not listen to music when I am in the process of completing my schoolwork, I promise that it helps me write more fluently. Even though I often say that sometimes the work is too complex, you always reassure me that when I finish my undergraduate studies and earn my degree that it will be worth it. All of the stress and long nights of studying (which typically last until 2 a.m.) will pay off in the long run when I begin my career.

6. Thank you for singing in the car with me.

Oh my goodness where do I even begin with this one… I love riding in the car with you when we listen to our throwback CD of songs that were popular when I was like 13-years-old. Whether it is us doing the “finger linger” to the Pussycat Dolls, “the clap” to the All American Rejects, or the horribly loud singing to Panic! At the Disco, we always have a great time listening to these songs. I will always enjoy singing like Ana Gasteyer and Will Ferrell on Saturday Night Live with you.

7. Thank you for giving me your “clean freak” characteristics.

Since you have always been very clean and organized, these habits have rubbed off on me. I actually do not mind doing my laundry or the dishes. I love cleaning my room and the rest of the house, just like you do. Because of this, I am a self-proclaimed “clean freak” most of the time, and I have been very organized when managing busy schedules, just like you have.

8. Thank you for nagging me to expand my food palette.

This is an interesting one, that’s for sure. Although I still hate cake, college has allowed me to try new foods that are way too far out of my comfort zone. You were so surprised when I came home for winter break and mentioned that I like salads and a various types of Chinese food. Someday I will maybe venture out and try some seafood, but today is not that day.

9. Thank you for setting super high standards for my future relationships.

All I know is that I need a man that will love and treat me just like you do. You have always treated me so well as a father, and you have treated mom with that same love and respect, too. Showing me how a gentleman should act is reassuring, especially in my generation. Because of you, I have extremely high standards as to what I am looking for in a partner in the future. If I am lucky enough someday to find someone that resembles you in as many characteristics as possible, I would be the happiest girl in the world.

10. Thank you for being you.

This one is pretty self explanatory. I will always be your "baby girl."

I will love you forever and always, dad.

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