A sister-bond is something somewhat unexplainable, and unbelievably special. Sister, you do more than enough for me and so I wanted to thank you by writing this for you.
You helped me find my faith
I was lost for a while. I wasn't sure what to believe in, or who to believe in. And when my world got turned upside down, you encouraged me to attend a sermon with you. From that day forward, I not only found myself, but I found God and since that day I have been forever changed, and I have you to thank for that. Without you and discovering your faith and our wonderful church, I would have never discovered my current relationship with God, I would have never discovered my passion for the worship music, and I would have never discovered the person I was always meant to be. Thank you.
You helped me discover my love for Harry Potter
One of the things that brought us closer together throughout the years is our odd, yet understandable obsession with Harry Potter… because who doesn't love Harry?! The books, the movies, and just the wonderful story that takes us to another world for just a little while, has created a bond between us that grew us closer together. You read the books growing up and encouraged me to indulge myself in this world, and without you pushing me to do so, I would have never discovered my passion for reading, writing and being creative. Plus, it is just super entertaining and I'm glad we have this to share with each other. Thank you.
You give me golden advice
If there is anyone in the world to go to for advice, it's your sister- hands down. But my sister gives superb, golden advice. It might not always be what I want not to hear at the time, but man… you are somehow always right. How are you always right?! You help ease my mind when I am in the middle of chaos, you help me rationalize when I might not be thinking clearly, and you have always helped me take the higher-road in tough situations. You helped mature me throughout the years and gave me a different perspective on life that not many people are lucky enough to say they have. Thank you.
You set a path for me
Obviously being the older sibling between us, you set a path for me. Fortunately for me, it in some situations allowed an easier path. I was allowed a later curfew, mom and dad weren't as harsh on me about grades, and the best thing of all? The path to your closet. You have great taste in clothes and fashion, you always have, and because of that, you not only set me down a path of having great taste, but you also were super fun to share clothes with… well, it was mostly just me taking things from your closet without you knowing, in hopes of beating you home and putting it back without you noticing. Needless to say, thank you.
You give me a friendship like no other
And the biggest thank you of all: our friendship. Being 6 years apart in age wasn't always easy, but now that we're adults and have grown in maturity and understanding, we have never been closer. I never laugh as hard I do than when I laugh with you, I'm never as goofy or weird with anyone as I am with you, I never share my deepest secrets than what I share with you and I never indulge in a foodie-cheat day with anyone else except you. God blessed me with you as a sister because He didn't just give me someone to steal clothes from, eat food, or excessively watch the Harry Potter movies with; He gave me you because He knew I would need a best friend. He knew I would need someone to confide in, someone to wipe my tears and help pick me up when I get my heart broken, and someone to laugh uncontrollably with. Thank you for not only being an amazing big sister, but for also being an amazing friend. I love you.
For anyone who has a sister, knows and understands how special they are. To be given a best friend the second you are born is such a beautiful, sometimes annoying, blessing. Love you long time sister!