I’ve read a bazillion articles on how not all girls in sororities are into Lily Pulizter and monogrammed hair bows. It’s pretty widely known and accepted that mostly all girls in sororities are different, unique, and normal, functioning college people. So, that’s not the kind of article I’m going to write because I’m sure we’re all tired of hearing that. I’m here to give a shout-out and thank you to the people who have made my (almost) four years in college the best/most ridiculous/unforgettable time of my young life. My sorority is dope. I sound extremely lame saying that but I don’t care.
Thank you for walking in packs around campus with me, reserving library tables during finals week and for letting me use your swipes when I run out.
Thank you for having deep conversations with me about Drake & Meek Mill, the Kardashians, and our problems with The Bachelorette.
Thank you for going to Olive Garden with me during the time of day when no one actually goes to Olive Garden (4:42pm or 9:50pm?).
Thank you for always telling me “what the move is” every weekend (every night) when we want to do something.
Thank you for going along with my ridiculous ideas like making a YouTube channel, going swimming at the gym in lifeguarding bathing suits at night, or becoming cleaning ladies.
Thank you for picking me up anywhere at any absurd hour of the day.
Thank you for taking group naps with me, because why all take separate naps when we can nap in the same bed?
Thank you for being my squad, my mans, my girls, my best friends, and my sistas.
Thank you for making college, and life, the best.