To my freshman year roommate, thank you.
Not everyone gets along with their freshman year roommate and, at first, I for sure did not. There is no way for you to gauge if you will actually get along with a random girl by communicating through cliché Facebook posts and having awkwardly forced conversations on Messenger. When I first met my roommate online, we messaged each other at the exact same time so, obviously, we thought it was fate. When we finally met on move-in day after a summer full of awkward “lol's" and “I can’t wait to meet you's” we immediately realized our differences. And let me tell you, that is okay. Sure we did not have the smoothest first semester, but I am so thankful for all of the rough patches we faced. So to my roommate, thank you.
Thank you for being there when I would wake you up in the middle of the night crying about a boy, missing my family or simply because I had watched too many sad music videos and felt like sobbing. Having someone there to feed me cookies and chips while I was sad was more meaningful than you will ever know. Even though I could tell you got tired of me bawling to “Halo” by Beyonce, you laughing at my unnecessary sob-fest made me stop crying and laugh, too.
Thank you for always being “those awkward freshmen girls” in the corner of a party where we know a total of four people. Even though we may have actually been those awkward freshmen girls, I didn’t care because I was having the time of my life stupidly dancing to some awful EDM remix of a rap song. Looking back on that now, woah, were we so embarrassing, but some of my best memories of freshman year were spent dancing with you at a frat party.
Also, thank you for always being down to stay in and eat disgusting amounts of barbecue chips and Ramen noodles. Blasting "Molly Cyrus" and aggressively dancing in our room on a Saturday night is something that I could not have done with anyone else. So thank you for still being my friend after you have seen me obscenely dance and rap every word to that awful song.
To my freshman roommate, thank you. Thank you for the ups and downs and the unforgettable memories. Thank you for teaching me humility, honesty, and respect. I am so grateful that I had you by my side for all of my “freshman firsts” and for all of the mistakes that you helped me learned from. And, most importantly, thank you for making college so special for me and I cannot wait for many more amazing moments with you.