After over a year of love from this guy and I am still in awe of the gift he has been from God. Most girls wait ages before finding a guy like mine. This one goes out to the person who has put up with my crap for far too long but still seems to love me anyway.
I hope you know that you are the brightest part of my day. Every single thing you do makes me fall for you even more. Whether it may be doing something incredibly annoying just to piss me off or the opposite like bringing me flowers after a long day of dealing with a few of the peasants on this Earth. Thanks for all the little moments that have made our relationship as special as it is to us. You are the first person I think to talk to when something big, or sometimes small, happens in my life. Okay, so maybe you are tied with my mom, but that is still a huge honor. Sometimes I feel like a little kid counting down the days till Christmas when I’m counting down hours until I can talk to you again.
Thank you for being there for me when I need you. No matter if it is big or small I know I can count on you to be by my side. I am so lucky to have a boyfriend who genuinely cares about me and my needs. I have watched friends go through awful relationships with guys that treat them with no respect. Thanks to you, I never have to worry about a boy degrading me or taking away my confidence. I am so thankful that your family taught you the right way to treat a girl. I know you would do absolutely anything for me if you needed to, and I hope you know I would do the same for you.
I also appreciate your willingness to be around my family even though it can be a little crazy at times. You seem to enjoy spending time with my brothers and having conversations with my parents, which makes me incredibly happy. It may have taken you awhile to get used to my dad’s sense of humor, but I am glad you have it down by now. I love having you around at home so I can spend time with the people I love most at once!
Thank you for keeping me in my youth. Even though we may fight like we are little kids, it can still be. It seems like it is never a dull moment with you my dear. I love all the laughs and memories we have shared together over the last year and a half. It doesn’t matter to me if we are just laying down enjoying each other’s company while playing iMessage games or going out to eat at a fancy restaurant, all I need is your time.
I am not near done with our time together as I hope you are not either! I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us, but I know it will be great. Hopefully, it doesn’t involve drinking death potions for each other like in Shakespeare’s version because we don’t need to copy any old love story. What we have is so unique that not even the brilliance of the one of the greatest play-writes could describe it. You are so amazing; thank you so much for everything you do. Like always, “my heart never stops beating for you.”
I love you.
Your Girlfriend.