I'll be honest and start this article by saying it was only a little over a year ago that I first saw Star Wars. Now, I own the series, have at least five Star Wars shirts (one of them has the Millennium Falcon on it AKA the fastest ship in the glaxay), and have watched most of the movies multiple times. My point is, from the moment I started watching the movies, I fell in love with the story and the characters. One of the main reasons I love Star Wars so much is because of the strength of the female characters, especially Princess Leia. In my humble opinion, Princess Leia is one of the strongest (mentally and physically), most independent female characters in film. I loved watching the Star Wars films because Princess Leia was never afraid to stand up to the guys (even Darth Vader), and always made sure that she was a part of the physical fighting with the rebels. It was the strength and power of Princess Leia's character that made me really fall in love with the films. When I heard that Carrie Fisher tragically passed away the other day, I decided to dedicate my article this week to the fierce character that she created. Even though I haven't been a Star Wars fan that long, I realize the monumental impact of how she changed the way women should be portrayed on film. Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia proved that women can be just as strong and hold their own with the guys. For that, she deserves a big thank you! Below I have made a list of my favorite Princess Leia moments from the Star Wars series to honor Carrie Fisher and as a way to say "Thank Princess Leia." The list is in no specific order because it was just way too hard to order them! I hope you enjoy it and please comment your favorite Princess Leia moments! Here are my ten favorite Princess Leia moments.
1. Princess Leia showing Darth Vader Who's Boss
From the moment she enters the scene, you know that Princess Leia doesn't play games. Especially when she gets in Darth Vader's face and let's him know that she isn't afraid of him. She literally stands in the face of evil and she doesn't even blink.
2. When Princess Leia proves she is a better shot then Han and Luke
In Episode IV: A New Hope, Princess Leia takes the gun from Han and proves that she is a better shot than he is and that she's not afraid to prove it.
3. Princess Leia killing Jabba the Hutt
This is one of her coolest moments. Even though it is Luke who comes to rescue her, Leia is the one that kills her captor and sets herself free!
4. Han and Leia arguing
Any and every time Han and Leia would argue, proving that they were a perfect match. I love these moments because of how Leia would match Han's sassiness and proves that she isn't afraid to get her opinion across, no matter who she is dealing with.
5. The moment Princess Leia matches Han's sassiness when he tells her that he loves her
When I first saw the scene where Leia tells Han that she loves him and the only thing he says back is "I know", I hated it. But when the scene is repeated with Leia and Han switching lines, I thought it was so perfect. It just describes their relationship, even though they argue and annoy each other, they love each other in the end.
6. Princess Leia befriending the Ewoks
Only Princess Leia could befriend strange Ewoks who don't even speak her language, and become royalty in their eyes.
7. When Leia risks her life to rescue Han
When Leia disguises herself and puts her well being in danger to rescue the love of her life, Han Solo.
I hope you enjoyed my seven favorite Princess Leia moments! I want to specifically thank Carrie Fisher for taking on the role all those years ago and for showing girls all over the world that they can kick some butt, too! Please comment your favorite Princess Leia moments that I might have left out or even if you agree with some of mine.
Rest in peace Carrie Fisher! Thank you for not being afraid to speak your mind and kick some serious butt in the galaxy!