Dear President Barack Obama,
A mere eight years ago you broke the glass ceiling of 2004 and became the first African-American President of the United States. Even though no glass ceilings were broken this year we will still keep moving forward with progress. The progress that you fought so hard for in the past eight years. When you won it showed that you do not just have to be a middle-aged White man to be president, that truly anyone could be president.
Change. That is the one word you ran on back in 2004 and what you promised the American people you would do, make change. Now looking back on this in 2016 almost 2017 that is exactly what you did. There has been monumental change that has happened during your presidency. One of those monumental changes is the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage. Sure this had to do with the Supreme Court and not directly with you, but you provided the catalyst for this change. Hope, that is exactly what you campaigned on in 2008 for re-election and that is exactly what you gave us in your last four years. Hope that America can be for anyone, not just if you're rich or good-looking. With that hope, you gave us we were able to make change. Even though you may be leaving office soon we are not going to sit back and let the progress you made slip away. The best way to protect progress would have been for Hillary to win, but now it is us the people that must roll up our sleeves. I know that you will be right there next to us fighting for what is right.
Finally, what I would like to say to you is thank you. For giving us Hope that America can be a kinder and inclusive nation. For being an advocate for those groups in America that may not have as large of a voice in society. For being the best President that you could be and you did do the best job that you could have ever done. When I say that America is going to miss you that is an understatement. We will never have such an elegant and well-spoken president as you have been. You and your whole family have brought a type of elegance that hasn’t been seen in the White House in a while. I could go on and on with all the things that I want to thank you for but that would take up more than this one article. But the one thing I feel is going to be missed most is your relationship with Joe Biden. There have been so many memes made out of this relationship I have no idea how the internet will survive without it.
I know that this will not be the last of Barak Obama that America will see, but I feel that you deserve this thank you for all that you have done for America.