I didn't expect anything when I applied to Penn State at first. I was scared at first, nervous, and excited all at once. I knew that it was a huge school with thousands of students and I was just going to be a freshman who knew no one. The only person I knew who was going to Penn State was my sister, but she would be gone in a month with graduating. To be honest, my biggest fear was making friends and meeting new people. I know that sounds crazy, since some worry about their studies, but I was worried that I wasn't going to meet good friends like I had in high school.
But, State College, you really outdid yourself. You gave me some of the best people I have ever met in my life. I am going to admit, it was a little difficult and awkward at first, meeting everyone and going through the ice breakers. Everyone on my floor was super nice and my RA made everyone laugh and more comfortable. I want to say thank you to Penn State for that - the RA's that I met were all super nice and helpful. Even though a lot of people hated them, the ice breakers the RA's made us do really helped me.
Thank you Penn State for the great system of moving in and meeting these people. The first couple days of meeting everyone really helped me get to know people and make friends. It took time, but soon, I met two girls in my hall and I clicked with them immediately. Then, they made friends with another girl in their class and we all started hanging out together. There were many nights out together, meals at the dining hall, and laughs exchanged. By the end of my freshman, I would do anything for these girls. They became my support system when times got tough and I was theirs when they needed it. They got me through quarantine with FaceTime calls and talking everyday. The hardest part is not being able to see them a lot since they all live in different states.
But, thanks to Penn State, I get to see these girls again and create more memories with them.
I am beyond grateful for Penn State for bringing us together, for giving me my best friends and all the memories I have and will cherish forever.