You have raised me for 19 years and supported me through many sports and activities. There are many times you have had to choose between my siblings and me. Whether it be us fighting or a game on the same night as another kid you have always tried your best to be there. There were many nights where my friends would ask where you were and why you couldn't make it to a performance or a rehearsal and be more upset than I was because you weren't there, but to me it was fine because I knew that would try to be there next time and you would compliment me and tell me I did great even if you didn't see it or you showed up late because to you I was great even when I was terrible and for that I am thankful.
I am thankful because there were many nights you gave up sleep to take care of me and to take me places whether it be for practice or the movies or to a friends house. You would always give up your own time to get where I needed or wanted to go. There are many parents who will tell you how amazing their kid is and how awesome it is to support them but can hardly ever tell you what their kid felt after a win or loss. You travel to great length to watch us in all that we do and sometimes you are under appreciated because you could tell us we are out luck and stay home yet you don't. You take great pride in our accomplishments and are always there to remind us to stay humble and keep our heads on straight. You may not know it but even if we don't tell you enough Devon, Alexus and I see all that you do for us and we may never acknowledge it but we appreciate all that you have given up and sacrificed for us to be happy.
You inspire us to be great and not great in just any ones eyes but to be great in your eyes. We may never show or tell you and you may get a little over bearing but we never stop striving for greatness. We may mess up but you have to remember we are still just trying to figure out our lives and who we want to be. You both have known that we were born for greatness but we are just now figuring it out for ourselves so excuse us when we stumble and continue to be there to pick us back up and dust us off because even when others come along we will always remember who was there by our sides when we fell and hit our lowest point and who have seen us at our highest. It will forever be you guys because I have parents who only want to talk when their kid is at their highest but will never discuss how low they fell to get there. You have afforded us the best and one day we hope to return the favor and give you the world.
Love your favorite,