Since August of 2017, I've been writing articles every week for Odyssey. I initially started because I wanted to have an outlet for writing. Being a STEM major, I don't often have the opportunity to write for fun. I'm usually writing term papers or assignments (as are many college students.)
Having this outlet has been so nice. Trying to think of what to write every week, and simply taking the time to do something that wasn't for school has been so fulfilling for me.
In my time writing for Odyssey, I've had the opportunity to write about being an RA, my experience with the #MeToo movement, and losing loved ones. I've really been able to work through some of my emotions by writing them out in an Odyssey article.
Losing two pets in a month was made a little easier by being able to make these posts for them. I was able to process losing my uncle by thinking about the struggles of being so far from my family.
I was able to get through a breakup. Not by what I wrote, but by the wise words of other Odyssey creators.
Before my community joined with Depaul's Odyssey, I had the opportunity to serve as the president of my Chicago community. While it was a struggle, it was really interesting to see another side of the Odyssey. Helping to onboard creators, holding them accountable, communicating with HQ, it was all so new and fascinating.
As I head into the final semester of my undergraduate career, I was weighing if I continue with Odyssey or not. I ultimately decided it was time to leave. While I still love the creativity, I want to be able to focus on friends and experiencing my final semester to the fullest.
The past year and a half has been so amazing, and I will always love the creativity and the voice that Odyssey has helped me to foster within myself.
Thank you, Odyssey. I can't wait to see what's next.