That's right, you heard me correctly. A thank you note to my... shower. You see, usually, when I am depressed I sleep. Most people think sleep is a good thing. However, I fall asleep to escape my OCD and depression. This results in wasting away time and being unproductive. When I shower I not only relax, but I stimulate my muscles and brain cells. I am also taking care of myself. I tended to neglect self-care when I was at my lowest, which made the depression even worse. The shower has honestly become my sanctuary. The place where I get to think out loud, sing karaoke, and enjoy the not so cheap soaps I have become obsessed with.
It's everyday rituals we tend to overlook. Find joy in the simple everyday "tasks." To those who struggle just getting through each day, remember that the way you view an everyday task can change your mood. What some may view as a "chore" can actually become your get-away and a tool for managing your emotional and physical health.