I’ve been told time and time again, that the time one spends in college very critical in many life aspects. These four years consist of attempting to establish stability within a constantly changing environment. You’re pushed to limits you didn’t know exist, you’re exposed to experiences whether you like it or not, you suffer from multiple episodes of heartbreak and disappointment and then finally, you’re at your all-time best.
I am now feeling this “all-time best”, and I’ve got a few people to thank for that. The friends I have made in the past four years have undoubtedly impacted me in such a beautiful way, I could never even begin to imagine my life without them.
Thank you for being ridiculously hilarious and making me laugh so hard that I cry.
Thank you for allowing me to see that it’s okay to need you.
Thank you for watching rom-coms, eating ice-cream, drinking copious amounts of wine or doing absolutely nothing with me.
Thank you for being my #1 fan and always supporting me.
Thank you for claiming and valuing me as your friend.
Thank you for motivating me to be nothing but the best version of myself.
Thank you for being comfortable enough to share and live your life with me.
Thank you for making me realize I don’t have to be strong all on my own.
Thank you for welcoming me into your family and sharing your traditions with me.
Thank you for always knowing what I’m thinking.
Thank you for being patient and tolerant of my stubborn and princess behavior.
Thank you for understanding my tendencies to over-think and reminding me that I’m actually not as crazy as I sound.
Thank you for treating my little brother as your own.
Thank you for always telling me the truth, even if I don’t want to hear it.
Thank you for greeting me like we haven’t seen or talked to each other in ages even we had just ended our call.
Thank you for sharing memes and photos with me on Instagram.
Thank you for always being in my corner and available as back-up.
Most of all, thank you for teaching me the true meaning of friendship.